
Buddha seat Learn more about Buddha seat

  • Buddha seat lotus

    Buddha seat lotus

    Buddha lotus, is a kind of ornamental branches and leaves-based succulent plant, relatively small, sought after by many people, has sold a lot of sales in recent years, so let's get to know this plant together.

  • How to cultivate the succulent plant, the propagation method of the succulent plant

    How to cultivate the succulent plant, the propagation method of the succulent plant

    Buddha seat lotus is very similar to Guanyin sitting lotus, so it is also called Guanyinlian. Buddha lotus is a very common kind of succulent plant, and many families like to grow it at home. So how can Buddha pedestal lotus be preserved in order to burst the basin? Let's go with the editor.

    2020-11-08 Buddha seat lotus how raise fast burst basin succulent plant reproduction
  • How much do you know about the symbolic meaning and language of lotus (lotus)

    How much do you know about the symbolic meaning and language of lotus (lotus)

    In Buddhism, it is regarded as the symbol of the Pure Land of the West and the place where the soul is conceived. The Buddha's body is often placed on top of the lotus flower, so the Buddha seat is also called the lotus seat. Poets throughout the ages praised the lotus flower as a gentleman without stain, a clear ripple but not a demon, and described the lotus as a gentleman with holiness.

  • The latest sky-high price succulent comes out, one pot is worth millions!

    The latest sky-high price succulent comes out, one pot is worth millions!

    At present, there are thousands of succulent varieties, not only that, but also new varieties appear every once in a while. In addition to our common common goods of a few yuan a tree, there are some expensive goods that you have never seen before. The price alone is incredible.

  • The symbolic meaning and language of Lotus (Lotus) in Daquan

    The symbolic meaning and language of Lotus (Lotus) in Daquan

    In Buddhism, it is regarded as the symbol of the Pure Land of the West and the place where the soul is conceived. The Buddha's body is often placed on top of the lotus flower, so the Buddha seat is also called the lotus seat. Poets throughout the ages praised the lotus flower as a gentleman without stain, a clear ripple but not a demon, and described the lotus as a gentleman with holiness.

  • What are the nicknames for lotus?

    What are the nicknames for lotus?

    What are the nicknames for lotus?

  • What are the nicknames of the latest lotus?

    What are the nicknames of the latest lotus?

    Lotus is the general name of two species of lotus in the family Nelumbo nucifera. There are many kinds of perennial aquatic herbs, which are divided into ornamental and edible categories. They are native to tropical and temperate regions of Asia. China has recorded cultivation as early as Zhou Dynasty. It has always been a poet's song from ancient times to the present.

    2020-11-10 The latest lotus flower also known as have which is mountain
  • Although these succulent plants look ridiculous, they are Herm è s in the meat world.

    Although these succulent plants look ridiculous, they are Herm è s in the meat world.

    At present, there are thousands of succulent varieties, not only that, but also new varieties appear every once in a while. In addition to our common common goods of a few yuan a tree, there are some expensive goods that you have never seen before. The price alone is incredible.

  • What to do with the loss of leaves? causes and treatment methods of succulent leaf worms in Buddha lotus

    What to do with the loss of leaves? causes and treatment methods of succulent leaf worms in Buddha lotus

    Succulent leaf loss is a very common phenomenon. In most of the time, succulent leaves are too mature and when the plant has luxuriant branches and leaves, some leaves will automatically fall off as a way of reproduction, but when the branches and leaves of the plant are not dense, when the leaves are still very small.

    2020-11-08 Buddha seat lotus drop leaves how to do lotus meat worms reasons
  • Lotus implies

    Lotus implies

    Many children and grandchildren: lotus seeds contain a lot of lotus seeds, and the pronunciation of lotus seeds is the homonym of "Lianzi". There will be many lotus seeds in a lotus seed. The ancients usually mean lotus seeds as full children and grandchildren. Holiness: lotus also and lotus, have holiness, pure symbolic meaning.

  • Introduction to the function and efficacy of Guanyinlian

    Introduction to the function and efficacy of Guanyinlian

    Introduction to the function and efficacy of Guanyinlian

  • The age of irony without comprehend

    The age of irony without comprehend

    This is an interesting age, an era in which irony is not even understood! Those who like to wear high heels are generally short, those who like to wear heavy makeup are generally unable to see their faces, those who like to burn incense and worship Buddha generally do more at a loss of heart, those who like to brag on the surface generally have no money, and those who like to say that any disease can be cured are generally.

  • These six kinds of flowers are Buddhist sacred flowers with several pots of peace for life.

    These six kinds of flowers are Buddhist sacred flowers with several pots of peace for life.

    The Huayan Sutra says: "Buddha earth gives birth to five-colored stems, one flower, one world, and one leaf as the Tathagata." A flower is a world, and a person is a world. Everything has its own Buddha nature, but no one has discovered it. ...

  • The reason why potted lotus does not bloom and its solution

    The reason why potted lotus does not bloom and its solution

    Potted lotus should be selected for potted ornamental strains, common Buddha, heavy Taiwan, Bijiangxue, big green lotus, Yizhangqing, Jiaorong three changes, Shouxing peach, West Lake and so on. We all know that in the hot season, the lotus in the pond is especially luxuriant. Raising lotus flowers in potted plants

  • What is the moral of lotus pod?

    What is the moral of lotus pod?

    The lotus pod contains a number of lotus seeds, and its homonym has the meaning of Lianzi, which means to give birth to noble children and many children and grandchildren. Like the lotus, it symbolizes holiness and purity. If it is a pair, it means to be of one heart and one mind. There is a nutlet in each hole, that is, the lotus seed, which is edible and ripens from September to October.

  • Can gem flowers be protected from radiation?

    Can gem flowers be protected from radiation?

    With the development of electronic science and technology, the radiation problem caused by electronic products is becoming more and more serious, and radiation affects human health. The use of plants to prevent and absorb radiation has also become a fashion. So as a member of succulent plants.

  • Is it unlucky to have lotus flowers at home?

    Is it unlucky to have lotus flowers at home?

    Domestic lotus is inauspicious, because lotus does not gather wealth, which is unlucky for people in business. In ancient times, lotus flowers were embroidered on the clothes of the dead, so the yin was too heavy to keep at home. The lotus is a sacred flower of Buddhism, raising it at home will be considered disrespectful to the Buddha and will affect the health of family members, so it is not suitable to be raised at home.

  • The culture method of black leaf Guanyinlian, the leaves of black leaf Guanyinlian turned yellow, soft and rotten, and the tip of the leaf withered.

    The culture method of black leaf Guanyinlian, the leaves of black leaf Guanyinlian turned yellow, soft and rotten, and the tip of the leaf withered.

    How to raise Guanyin lotus? People who love flowers and plants are concerned about this type of problems, and those who like to plant Guanyin lotus are probably aimed at its shape similar to that of the lotus seat.

  • Culture methods of auspicious grass

    Culture methods of auspicious grass

    Culture methods of auspicious grass

  • The latest culture method of auspicious grass

    The latest culture method of auspicious grass

    Auspicious grass, also known as Songshou orchid, bamboo root seven, purple grass, etc., is a perennial evergreen herb of Liliaceae, with beautiful shape, green leaves, cold tolerance and shade tolerance. It is cultivated in water in a goldfish tank or other glassware and placed at the bar and tea.

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